How satisfied were you with your service?

5: Very Satisfied
4: Satisfied
3: OK
2: Disatisfied
1: Very Disatisfied

How likely are you to return?

5: Very Likely
4: Likely
3: N/A
2: Unlikely
1: Very Unlikely

How likely are you to recommend us?

5: Very Likely
4: Likely
3: N/A
2: Unlikely
1: Very Unlikely

How satisfied were you with the cleanliness of our waiting room?

5: Very Satisfied
4: Satisfied
3: OK
2: Disatisfied
1: Very Disatisfied

How satisfied were you with the cleanliness of your vehicle after service?

5: Very Satisfied
4: Satisfied
3: OK
2: Disatisfied
1: Very Disatisfied

What can we improve on? What would you like to see? Let us know anything about your experience, good or bad!